1. 丁欣放*, 李岱. (2018). 虚拟现实暴露疗法治疗焦虑障碍的随机对照试验meta分析. 中国心理卫生杂志, 32(3), 191-199.
2. Ding, X*., Liu, Z., Cao, G., Wei, S., Qiu, Z., Wang, K., et al. (2018). The efficacy of Naikan therapy on male offenders: changes in perceived social support and externalized blame. International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology, 62(11), 3499-3508.
3.Ding, X#., Yue, X#., Zheng, R., Bi, C., Li, D., & Yao, G*. (2019). Classifying major depression patients and healthy controls using EEG, eye tracking and galvanic skin response data. Journal of Affective Disorders, 251, 156-161.
4.Kishimoto, T#., Ding, X#*. (2019). The influences of virtual social feedback on social anxiety disorders. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 47, 726-735.
5.Ding, X*. & Qian, M*. (2020). The regulation effects of anger rumination on different foci of anger. Journal of applied social psychology, 50, 368-377.
6.Ding, X., Li, Y., Li, D., Li L., Liu, X*. (2020). Using machine learning approach to distinguish patients with methamphetamine dependence from healthy subjects in a virtual reality environment. Brain and Behavior, 10: e01814.
7.丁欣放#, 曾珂#, 段止璇, 张曼华*. (2021). 国外网络欺凌干预方案介绍. 中国学校卫生, 42(2): 165-169.
8.丁欣放*,聂晶*,张斌. (2021). 心理因素与学业表现:机器学习分类预测模型. 心理科学,44(2): 330-339.
9.刘秉宙#,丁欣放#,曾珂,郭颖,张曼华*. (2021). 网络攻击类型量表在初中生中的修订及信效度检验. 实用预防医学,28(5):633-638.
10. Ding, X#*., Liu, B#., Zeng, K., Kishimoto, T., Zhang, M*. (2022). Peer relations and different functions of cyber-aggression: A longitudinal study in Chinese adolescents. Aggressive Behavior, 48, 152-162.
11.Wang, W., Chen, Z*., Ding, X*. (2022). Cyberbullying victimization and disordered eating behaviors: The mediating roles of self-compassion and self-objectification. Appetite, 178, 106267.
12.曾珂,曹斐臻,吴亚军,张曼华*,丁欣放*. (2022). 针对初中生主动性网络攻击的心理干预训练及其效果. 中国临床心理学,30(5): 1245-1250.
13.Ding, X., Li, Y., Zhang, T., Li, D., Luo, Sean X., Liu, X*., Hao, W*. (2023). Electroencephalogram pattern association with drug-related cues in a long-duration virtual reality environment in patients with methamphetamine use disorder. Addiction Biology, 28(1): e13248
14. 纪晓宁,岸本鹏子,王文映,唐艳,陈祉妍*,丁欣放*. (2023). 高职专科学生网络欺凌受害与情绪性进食的纵向联系:身体不满与自尊的链式中介作用. 心理与行为研究,已接收待发表.
15. Zeng, K., Cao, F., Wu, Y., Zhang, M*., Ding, X*. (2023). Effects of Interpretation Bias Modification on Hostile Attribution Bias and Reactive Cyber-aggression in Chinese Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Current Psychology, 已接收并在线发表. doi: 10.1007/s12144-023-04433-3.
16. Wang, W., Ding, X*. (2023). A pilot randomised trial of self-compassion writing for young adult women engaged in emotional eating in the context of appearance-related cyberbullying. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 已接收并在线发表. doi: 10.1002/EAT.23967.